
My tablet broke, I’ve been working 5+ hours seven days a week, and I’m going to Florida on Wednesday but that! will! not! stop! me!
I upgraded my tablet to a Huion Q11K and I absolutely love it so far. It’s the next best thing to a Wacom, which is out of my price range for the time being but it’s a huge upgrade from the little Turcom that I was using before. 

I spent so long trying to get this first chapter cover right and I spent about five hours on a painting of the city that I hated more and more with every minute I spent on it. So I left it alone and tried to forget about it for a long time and when I was feeling ready to try again, I sat down, put on an episode of The Adventure Zone, and let the art juices flow, and in an hour and a half this cover was done and I love it. Covers are my favorite because they can be so abstract and symbolic and that’s how I roll.

Next week we’ll get to the start of the real story!! Thank you all so much for your patience!!